Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I talk good French.

Fun with Groupon!

I  signed up today for 6weeks of French language classes.  By the end of June I'll be parle-ing en Francais with ease!

It's currently my favourite season in Toronto (patio season), so it's time to decide on some outdoor activities. Enter BlogTo's 'Best of Toronto' lists.
They're almost like a challenge - how many amazing Thai restaurants can you visit in one month?

Last year a friend and I took on the 'best ice cream in T.O' list. Sadly, we didn't get through all of it (I do have a waistline to think about!)

This year perhaps it'll be along a French theme - the best French restaurants, or the best French toast, or the best poutine!
Or maybe we'll just resort to the best new cafés. You can't go wrong there.
Plus cafés are French....right??

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