Monday, May 16, 2011

Discovering new bands in Toronto

On the 'Fun Quest', a friend and I tested out a new way to discover bands in the city.
  • Pick the price.
  • Pick the date.
  • Pick the venue.
And then go see whoever is performing!

We ended up at the Horseshoe Tavern on April 30th, to see Malajube (who can resist French indie rock?).

Thankfully though, we arrived early enough to see Library Voices perform! (Who can resist Saskatchewaners?)
They were the highlight, in my opinion. The crowd loved them, and they genuinely seemed to be having a blast. I view them kind of like a bunch of close friends who enjoyed hanging out and making music and so decided to go on the road together.
Their group dynamic is evident in their Take Away Show:

Library Voices | Party Like It's 2012 | A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

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