Saturday, May 28, 2011

The book that changed my life

A few weeks ago I read the book Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer.
And my life will never be the same. 

I've been a proud (?) meat-eater all my life. Haven't really ever considered not eating meat. 
In fact, when I first saw this book -  I picked up because I was attracted to the cover. ... yes, I'll admit I usually always judge books by their covers - I read a quote of praise on the back cover that said something along the lines of "If you continue to eat meat after reading this book, you are a horrible human being"

And I was so offended! The audacity!

So, I snatched up the book and bought it out of spite. ("oh yeah? I'll show you! ...I'll read this book while eating plates of chicken and steak, and I'll continue to be an amazing, honorable person!")

About a fifth of the way through the book, I sent this text to my sister: "I'm reading this book about eating animals. I think I may become vegetarian."

And now, a few weeks later, I'm considering going vegan. 
(I'm having a hard time with the concept of giving up eggs (cake! cookies!!) ... not to mention cow's milk... (Starbucks' lattes!!))

Seriously though, I'm one of the last people I could have pictured forgoing meat. But in the end, after looking at factory farming practices, antibiotic use, environmental degradation... eating chicken for dinner tonight just isn't worth it for me.


  1. Interesting! I've been a vegetarian for almost 20 years (not for any real ethical reasons - I just don't like meat). I wonder how I'd feel about this book?

  2. oh you should TOTALLY read it! ..warning though, you may go vegan activist.
    It's really interesting. Definitely eye-opening, but not written in a judgmental "people who eat meat are horrible" kind of way.

  3. Have you read his other book yet?... which you also bought b/c of the cover? lol... i'm sure this one is more impactful though due to the subject matter. :P
