Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Podcast Gold: MATES

I love me some Tom Cavanagh.

So when I stumbled upon the Mike and Tom Eat Snacks (MATES) Podcast, I was intrigued.

On the one hand: Seriously?! How ridiculous!

But on the other hand... Tom Cavanagh!!
Plus, my interest was peaked by the vast array of snacks. From yogurt to microwave popcorn, to snickers, to 3rd Degree Burn Scorchin' Habanero Doritoes, to Crudités.

So, I took a chance and downloaded all 20 or so episodes.
The verdict: I. love. it.
Yes, it is ridiculous. 
And yes, it is hilarious.

I burst out laughing today on the subway. Cavanagh did a comparison of the Parisian french accent vs the Quebec french accent. 
I was still laughing about it when I arrived at work. (Check out the first 5 minutes of the Microwave Popcorn episode.)

A great one liner from the Snickers episode: "Snickers is the Paul Neuman of candy bars"

It's a fun, random, ridiculous, hilarious time.

And now I want to go eat some classic lay's potato chips.
fried, not baked,

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