Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Guess who's learning braille!!

I'm stoked. I registered for the Braille Transcriber certification course, and I received all the course materials, so I'm on my way!
Braille is fairly complicated.

This is going to be a fun journey.

Earlier this month I went wandering around the city and came across a labyrinth near the Eaton's Centre.
Labyrinths are fun, I suppose.
But I was mostly intrigued by this plaque with braille instructions/descriptions:

In addition to the studying/work that this course requires, I want to add more daily fun to my life.
Enter... dogs!!

The plan is to become a volunteer dogwalker with the Toronto Humane Society.
I attended an info session last week, and now I need to start the application/training course. We'll see if I meet all the criteria. For a charity, they have a really strenuous volunteering application process. (Multiple phone and in-person interviews, various training sessions...) I suppose it's understandable, given that you're dealing with living creatures. And the THS has had such bad press over the past couple years

Other options:
  • Barista course: There's a Groupon right now for a 3hr course training you fancy-coffee-making skills! I don't have an espresso machine but I figure it might be fun to get one. And/or to learn about how Starbucks gets my latte tasting so good! [Update: I bought the Groupon!!]
  • Photography course: I wanted to take this earlier in the year, but I decided not to because I don't own a dSLR. And then today, while I walked through my new work neighbourhood, I had a great idea for a photo project. So now I want to get a dSLR. ...And if I get the camera, what's stopping me from doing a course?
  • Illustration: For whatever reason, I feel like taking a drawing course. I think it'd be fun!
  • French: Should I take more french? It's kind of counter-productive to take a one-off courses and then wait months (or years) until taking another one. Maybe I should enroll in a longer credit course. Or certificate program! (intense!!)
  • Desktop Publishing: A while ago I was looking into certificate opportunities in T.O for desktop publishing courses. I ended up dismissing them though, because I wouldn't be in town in the Fall. But now that I am staying in town, maybe I'll go ahead with it!
hmmm, what other fun course options are out there?


  1. Braille!!!

    I dunno how you can handle so many new lessons! lol... Braille on its own seems like a lot already! But then again, i think you may have a better learning curve than i. :P

  2. Nope!
    I just have unrealistic ideas of the amount of things I can juggle at once. :)
