Friday, December 30, 2011

"That's a Canadian Actor!!"

A few days before Christmas, my colleagues and I went out for a celebratory lunch. When we walked into the near-empty restaurant,  I immediately recognized a man seated at a table next to us.

None of my colleagues appeared to recognize him. And rather than stand up and point at him and scream: "That's a Canadian Actor!!", I decided to keep my cool, and mention it later.

We enjoyed a lovely meal and eventually left the restaurant.
As soon as the doors closed behind us, I asked if anyone else recognized the man.

Alas, no one did.
So it was on me to remember which show/movie I'd seen him on.

Back at the office, I rolled up my sleeves and did some google searches on this guy.
What I knew was:
  • he's an actor
  • on a Canadian show/movie
  • he played a sort of dramatic role

My Google search looked something like this:
male + Canadian + actor + drama + television

The results included lots of pictures of Ryan Gosling, but none of this man.

So I enlisted the help of one of my coworkers who used wikipedia to find a list of all the Canadian tv shows and read the dramatic-sounding ones aloud to me.
And then I IMDB'd any of the contenders.

It was very futile.

Eventually I gave up and went home.

At home I did some more Google searching.
In vain.

Fast forward to a week later, I'm sitting in a coffee shop with my BFF, chatting about life.
Somehow I got on the topic of this frustration: The unknown Canadian actor.
I was describing to her how I recognize his face from some Canadian show, but can't figure out which.
her reply: "Oh. Like that train show or something?"

It was Andrew Kenneth Martin (a.k.a Charles Lucas) from Train 48

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