Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to liven up your bookstore experience!

A while ago, I wandered into my neighbourhood bookstore and instead of sticking to the few sections that I regularly frequent, I found myself exploring the store.
Philosophy, biography, mystery & fantasy, war history...

I only vaguely even knew that these sections existed!

So, I dreamed up this project whereby each month, I would buy a book from one of these 'new to me' sections. At the end of the year, I would've explored the entire store. And opened myself to all kinds of new knowledge! (Who knows, maybe I'll become fascinated with the War of 1812!)

One of the tricks with the project is that it takes me a while to read books. I tend to think that I'm a slow reader. Combine that with the fact that I don't set aside a lot of time to read, and the idea of reading one book each month is quite ambitious!

Eventually, I found myself back in the bookstore with lots of time to kill, and so I wandered into the Biography section and decided to start my project!
This first book was selected based on the prettiness of the spine:

At Least in the City Someone Would Hear Me Scream
by Wade Rouse

I'd recommend it.
It opened by eyes to Henry David Thoreau - I now want to take a course on 19th century literature. And it made me think about my life in the city.

I haven't decided what's next....

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