Saturday, December 31, 2011

All you can Alcatraz

I have a mild fascination with Alcatraz.

A couple years ago I felt the urge to re-watch Escape to Alcatraz.

I prefer old-school styles of movie watching, including going to a movie rental store and renting an actual hardcopy disque.
Unfortunately my local Blockbuster didn't have stock of all movies created in the 70s. So I was out of luck.
I quickly forgot about the movie and rented Indiana Jones instead. 

Fast forward to present day.

There's a small independent movie store close to where I live. The chances that it would have this particular Eastwood film were pretty slim, but I still had high hopes.
I walk over to the store around 8pm on a Friday night.
It was closed.

Are you kidding me? 

It was at this point that I decided to take my movie renting up a notch.
It's not like this movie is going to be around forever! I need to watch it before it disappears!

So I jumped on the iTunes movie renting bandwagon. (Wait, is it a bandwagon? is anyone renting via iTunes?)

During the renting process I noticed that there is a free Alcatraz iPhone app!
For Alcatraz nerds enthusiasts.
by Geoki
It describes the history and lore around Alcatraz and escape attempts. There are also movie trailers and Alcatraz-related videos.

Josh & Chuck from the Stuff You Should Know podcast did an episode on Alcatraz not too long ago.

I think that's what reminded me to watch the movie.

Here's another free app, "Alcatraz Breakout".

This one's a game.

Is it just me, or is this kind of creepy?

Maybe I'm just a bit somber about Alcatraz at the moment. Escape from Alcatraz reminded me that aside from being this unique prison on an island, it was in fact a real prison. People did live and die there.

And I can't get that finger chopping scene out of my mind.

Friday, December 30, 2011

"That's a Canadian Actor!!"

A few days before Christmas, my colleagues and I went out for a celebratory lunch. When we walked into the near-empty restaurant,  I immediately recognized a man seated at a table next to us.

None of my colleagues appeared to recognize him. And rather than stand up and point at him and scream: "That's a Canadian Actor!!", I decided to keep my cool, and mention it later.

We enjoyed a lovely meal and eventually left the restaurant.
As soon as the doors closed behind us, I asked if anyone else recognized the man.

Alas, no one did.
So it was on me to remember which show/movie I'd seen him on.

Back at the office, I rolled up my sleeves and did some google searches on this guy.
What I knew was:
  • he's an actor
  • on a Canadian show/movie
  • he played a sort of dramatic role

My Google search looked something like this:
male + Canadian + actor + drama + television

The results included lots of pictures of Ryan Gosling, but none of this man.

So I enlisted the help of one of my coworkers who used wikipedia to find a list of all the Canadian tv shows and read the dramatic-sounding ones aloud to me.
And then I IMDB'd any of the contenders.

It was very futile.

Eventually I gave up and went home.

At home I did some more Google searching.
In vain.

Fast forward to a week later, I'm sitting in a coffee shop with my BFF, chatting about life.
Somehow I got on the topic of this frustration: The unknown Canadian actor.
I was describing to her how I recognize his face from some Canadian show, but can't figure out which.
her reply: "Oh. Like that train show or something?"

It was Andrew Kenneth Martin (a.k.a Charles Lucas) from Train 48

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to liven up your bookstore experience!

A while ago, I wandered into my neighbourhood bookstore and instead of sticking to the few sections that I regularly frequent, I found myself exploring the store.
Philosophy, biography, mystery & fantasy, war history...

I only vaguely even knew that these sections existed!

So, I dreamed up this project whereby each month, I would buy a book from one of these 'new to me' sections. At the end of the year, I would've explored the entire store. And opened myself to all kinds of new knowledge! (Who knows, maybe I'll become fascinated with the War of 1812!)

One of the tricks with the project is that it takes me a while to read books. I tend to think that I'm a slow reader. Combine that with the fact that I don't set aside a lot of time to read, and the idea of reading one book each month is quite ambitious!

Eventually, I found myself back in the bookstore with lots of time to kill, and so I wandered into the Biography section and decided to start my project!
This first book was selected based on the prettiness of the spine:

At Least in the City Someone Would Hear Me Scream
by Wade Rouse

I'd recommend it.
It opened by eyes to Henry David Thoreau - I now want to take a course on 19th century literature. And it made me think about my life in the city.

I haven't decided what's next....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

We still can

Remember this speech?

I remember watching this video for the first time back in 2008.
It gave me goosebumps.
... and it still does.

"Nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of people calling for change"

Sunday, December 18, 2011

USB Necklace: Keep your files close to heart

I absolutely love the beautiful geekiness of these USB locket necklaces by Emily Rothschild.

I'm deciding whether to get the mini version or the regular-sized version..

Photos by Emily Rothschild

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Wisdom on my coffee table

My obsession with Wisdom continues...

I bought the book!

It has been residing on my coffee table for about a month and a half. 

It is a beautiful piece of work. 
From the exhibit, I knew that the images were beautiful, but as I flip through the book I'm struck by the way the words are arranged on the page. 

It really is remarkable how much impact text can make.



This past month I've found myself simple reveling in the beauty of the book rather than soaking in the wisdom! So, I've implemented 'Saturday Afternoon Wisdom'
Every Saturday afternoon, after my dog walking, I will take time to read at least one of the interviews.


My Digital Story

At long last!

Here is my digital story that I created this summer as part of Volunteer Toronto's SharedTime Project.

It was such a blast to create this.

During our three-day workshop, 10 volunteers from across the city gathered at Evergreen Brickworks and, with the help staff from the Centre for Digital Storytelling and Volunteer Toronto, we crafted our stories!

We laughed, we cried.... it was such a special experience to hear what others are doing and experiencing in the city. And there's such a feeling of 'Wow' when we gathered on the last day for the screening of our stories. To watch everyone's polished stories and congratulate each other.

Speaking of screenings.... I had the opportunity to take part in the SharedTime Premiere on the December 5th, 2011 - the UN International Year of the Volunteer +10.
I must say, it is quite something to see your work up on the Big Screen!