Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Dog Walking is my new favourite thing.

Dog Walking Update:

I love it!

It definitely did not start out as a fun time. (Walking around in circles for 2 hours and picking up dog poop? no thank you.)

But, I've come to enjoy it as I 'bond' with the dogs more. Some dogs are more difficult than others, but for the most part, they're all adorable. I definitely have favourites. My original favourite was adopted after being at the shelter for over a month. (We're all very happy for him!) My new buddy is this guy:

Isn't he handsome? He's bigger than he may appear in this picture (picture him bigger than a retriever).

There's one dog in the shelter right now who is wearing a cone around his head and when we go for walks he continuously shakes his head to try and get it off. It's sad yet hilarious. Poor guy.

Some of the dogs have a cough, which requires us to put on protective clothing when we take them for a walk. I view it as a costume!

Dogs + strolling + a costume (sometimes) = good times!

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