Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to choose a font for a tattoo

I'm in love with literary tattoos.

(I recommend Contrariwise as a great place for literary tattoo eye candy and inspiration!)

I'd say there are two different ways to go approach choosing a font/typeface for your tattoo:

1. If you don't know your quote/words yet, or if you know you want an ampersand, for example, but aren't sure what you want it to look like:
  • A good place to start in this scenario would be to investigate the six or so different type categories, and then choose maybe one or two of them that appeal to you.

2. If you have already chosen your words, then perhaps it already lends itself to a certain category already. Or, if not a specific category, then maybe a certain feel (informal vs formal, business-y vs casual, serif vs sans-serif.)

Here's an example:

I've been drawn to the word 'Selah' lately.
It's a term used in the Bible, mostly in Psalms, and from what I understand, the meaning is around taking a moment to pause and reflect on what's just been said.
It's used after statements like:

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us.   Selah


Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.   Selah

So in this case, I would picture the word 'Selah' to be used in a script. But fairly formal, as in calligraphy, and not an informal handwriting.

Next, I'd consider the size of the tattoo. A large size can allow for more detail in the font, whereas as smaller one would need less detail.

I like the site for font exploration.
Here are some options I'd consider for a small Selah tattoo:

Font: Chopin Script

Font: Mutlu Ornamental
 This one is too detailed for a small version.
But I couldn't resist including it anyway.

Font: Selfish
 Interestingly, the more I look at this, the more
I realize it's probably too detailed for a small tattoo as well.
(i.e.the lines in the S requires you to be able to see the 
differences in the thickness of the stroke.)

Font: Some Weatz
 ps- I love capital S's!!

Font: Wedding Nightmares

Unless something jumps out at you right away, I'd say it'd be good to have a least 10 options to choose from.
Then maybe stare at them for a while to decide which one you want permanently inked on your body.

If I was choosing one of the above, I think it'd be between #1 & #4.
I also love #2 for something bigger.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Android vs iPhone... which to choose?

Answer: Both.

Haha. Well, I'm trying to make it be both.

Here's the deal, last year I had an iPhone for work, and so I purchased an Android for my personal use. And then eventually I had to give back the iPhone and the Android became my sole phone.

I love the Android concept. Opensource, accessibility, collaboration, etc.
But, I'm actually fairly attached to Apple these days.
With a MacBook and an iPad, it's was getting to be a hassle to have my phone on a different operating system.

So here's how it broke down:

My Android:
Admirable concept (opensource etc)
Plethora of free apps
My handset was slow, buggy, and clunky
Required drag/drop syncing with my iTunes library

Wireless syncing with my iTunes library
iTunes on-the-go
Linking with apps from my other Apple devices
Fun interface
The newest apps
Variety of fun cases and skins
Do I really want to have another Apple device?
Expense (spending more money on apps and impulse buying music from iTunes)

The Verdict:
iPhone wins. (We all saw that coming!!) 
One of the biggest pros for the iPhone was having iTunes with me wherever I go. I listen to at least two hours of podcasts each day, and it was annoying me to have to login to my computer and keep track of new releases and then drag/drop them onto my droid.
I have a pretty good handle on which day of the week my favourites are released, but it gets tricky with the bi-weekly editions. 
I sometimes used the Stitcher app whenever I forgot to copy over a new episode, but streaming is dangerous because I don't have a unlimited data with my cellphone plan.
With my iPhone I can simply go to the podcast and click 'Get More Episodes'. And, given the amount of time that I already spend in Starbucks, I don't have to go out of my way to find a wireless connection for the longer casts.

So these past few weeks I've been enjoying downloading apps and playing around to see what's new since last year. 

As for my droid, I'm keeping it around just in case I ever want it for something that my iPhone can't help me with. (So far I haven't used it.)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fun listening... Kimbra!!

Okay, I'm ready to admit it.
I have a cold.

I went about my new normal routine this morning (design class and then dogwalking!) and then came home and crashed.
On the bright side though, I don't feel guilty for spending the rest of my Saturday napping and then getting up to surf the net, drink tea, and listen to music!

During my explorations I came across Sarah's blog and music by Kimbra!

There's no resisting the clapping.

Also, men dancing in suits is one of my favourite things.

Speaking of which....

Monday, January 02, 2012

Discovering musical talent via CBC's As it Happens

I just 'discovered' Charlie Winston.

I hopped in the car and the radio was set to CBC Radio 1. As it happens, "As it Happens" was playing!
So I listened to the ending of a segment, and then they played a fun song.

I waited in the car until the announcer said the name of the singer.
(I didn't have Shazam on my phone yet.)
It was David Myles singing I'll Never Know.

Later that night when I was downloading Myles' album Into the Sun, iTunes identified a few other albums that listeners also liked.
One of the them was Charlie Winston's album Hobo.

As soon as I heard the baseline in the song 'In your Hands', I was hooked.

Thanks CBC!
...and iTunes