Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Herbal D-Tox: Tips!

Here are a few tips from my first detox: Wild Rose Herbal B-Tox.

  • The creator, Dr. Terry Willard, has a blog where he answers a whole bunch of questions from detoxers. The Q&A is pretty long, but it's worth the read.
  • According to a few blogs/forums, the D-Tox cookbook is a really good resource for the detox. Apparently it includes a statement that you should eat only one serving of fruits a day. (This isn't included on the main website or in the instruction booklet that comes with the kit.)
  • Coconut milk is allowed! For the purposes of the detox, you can consider it a nut.
  • Stevia: Even though it's a natural sweetener, it's not allowed. Remember, part of the purpose of the detox to give your body a break from sugary-tasting flavours. (This is why fruits should be limited to some extent, because they're FULL of natural sugars.) 
  • No fruit juices! (Even if they're not from concentrate.)
  • Surprisingly, chocolate is allowed! Well, pure cocoa or carob powder is allowed. I added it to a smoothie with strawberries, blueberries and coconut milk. It was delicious.
  • One key reminder that someone pointed out in a forum is that there's no real 'winner' if you try to find loopholes and skirt the rules with the detox. Ultimately, you're doing the detox for yourself, so if you find some crazy loophole and take advantage of it, you're not 'winning'. You're just making it harder for your body to benefit from the detox.
 Happy detoxing!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My new Tattly tattoos

My Tattly tattoos arrived today!

...and they're as delightful as I had hoped!

First, the envelope they came in was adorned with super cute stamps:
I love those little personal details.

Here's my collection:

So far, I'm wearing three of them. Including this scribbly!

Sitting here with the pile of Tattlys, the question became: "How can I store them so that it's easy to find a specific tattoo when I want it?"

My solution... A Tattly Moleskine!

I took an old Moleskine calendar and taped the tattlys onto the pages, comme ca:

(check out the small scribble Tattly on my hand!)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tattly: The best temporary tattoos ever!

I just (JUST) found out about Tattly!
Designy Temporary tattoos.
Check it: 

My only question right now is around if they will be identifiable on my dark skin, or if they'll just look like weird discolourations.

...only one way to find out!!
(AND they're having a sale right now to commemorate their 1st yr in business!!)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The best 'Call Me Maybe' cover

I'm lying in bed
reading an article on my iPad
from Mashable
about covers of the song Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen

My favourite (by far) is by Ben Howard:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Playlist - Track 2: Half Moon Run

I'm obsessed with Half Moon Run!

Basically their whole album is on my summer playlist, but if I have to choose two tracks, they are:
1. Full Circle
I love this acoustic version - check out the ukelele!

2. She Wants to Know
My fav song of the album

Monday, June 11, 2012

Garden of your mind

"You can grow ideas in the garden of your mind. It's good to be curious about many things. You can think about things and make-believe. All you have to do is think, and they'll grow." -  Mister Rogers

I love this video.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Summer Playlist

I'm starting to build my playlist for this summer.

The first group on the list is The Cinema.
(I discovered them through the Risk! podcast)

My top two songs are:

Kill It:

There are a bunch of other groups on rotation in my earbuds right now, but they don't represent the sound of summer, as much as The Cinema does.